the unexpected - New Book
How do we live peacefully and serenely not knowing what will happen tomorrow? We hand tomorrow to God – we hand our plans, dreams, hopes and desires over to Him; Knowing that He has our best interests at heart. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that God has a plan set in place for each of us. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” There is a great sense of freedom when you lay your plans at Jesus’ feet – because you know He has your back, and He has a plan.
This is a practical guide on how to live in unexpected and changing times, knowing that whatever the world throws at you, God has you firmly under His protection. Walk with Iona through forty real-life experiences that will empower and strengthen your faith. Her prayer is that you will never worry or be anxious again as our King reigns over every detail of your life. His love for you has no limits and there is nothing in this world that can separate you from His love.
Walking a supernatural life during turmoil is possible, when we trust in God. When you hand Him control of your life your journey takes on a new and exciting turn – don’t miss out on what God has planned for you.