A journey from frustration and emptiness to peace, love and hope
I was born the eldest of four girls into a strict religious family. Believe it or not I was painfully shy – so much so that if you spoke to me I would turn beetroot red and I also stuttered badly. At age 11 to my absolute horror I was sent off to a convent where I was bombarded with religious rituals, traditions and an abundance of laws. Some how I went from a little shy thing to a class bully – which I am not proud of. On the God front, the convent rules and religious traditions led me to believe that God was not approachable, not personal and not loving.
So I choose to ignore the religious stuff as best I could and spent my spare time absorbed in what I did well and that was sports, netball, running, horse riding at the weekend and skiing on the dry ski slope and yes boys of course – but not necessarily in that order. I had become extremely competitive during my time in school – second place was never an option only first would do. I had a real sense that for me to be somebody you needed to be the best – the very best – that way I could acquire self-worth and feel special…
My Life In Pictures